JR FARM Herbs of the Field
Supplementary feedingstuff for all rodents and dwarf rabbits.
healthy crude feed for every day. The mix from the most varying field and meadow herbs provides a multitude of essential vitamins and minerals. The high crude fibre content ensures optimal digestion and
thus enhances the feeling of well-being.
Feeding recommendation:
mixed with hay or other herbs or in addition to the daily share of hay.
parsley 8.5%, oat flakes 8.3%, wheat flakes, beetroots, pea
flakes, lucerne 6.4%, ribwort, birch leaves, carrots, marigold 5%, nettle, wheat, wheat puffed, maize flakes, maize puffed, oat herb, cornflowers, melissa, dandelion 2%, peppermint, The plant life which grows on the permanent pastures of the Alpine foothills, rose blossoms, red clover blossoms 0,6%
Analytical constituents:
Protein: 13,2%, fat content: 2,6%, Crude fibre: 12,2%, Crude ashes: 6,5%, Moisture: 10,8%
200 g